Are you ready to activate your voice, and live your fullest, most self-expressed life?

  • Do you have something to share with the world, and self-doubt or distraction gets in the way?

  • Do you have some days where you feel like everything is turning out for you, and then suddenly sabotage city rolls through town?

  • Do you feel like you loose a lot of your unique power and light stuck in comparison with others, judgement of self, or feeling like you are trying to be good or fit in?

  • Did you know that everything you have gone through is your greatest source of power in this life?

  • Did you know that you literally have all the ingredients inside of you to create a life beyond your wildest dreams?

Then you are ready to FIND your VOICE, PLAY in your power, and CLAIM your grace.

I am here for you. I know the self-doubt, I know the fear, I know all of it, and YES we are here to shine this great love into the world.

Love in the Time of Corona

These times are so wild and we are all catching our breath and learning how to BE in each moment. Sometimes we just need a trusted other to ground, listen and offer counsel.


Finding Your Center in the Chaos

A Powerful Musical Healing Experience

In this hour long program you will receive 3 Practices for Navigating these times and Cultivating Your Authentic Voice

1. Landing into the Sacred Heart with Meditation

2. The Power of Embodiment- Your body holds the key to the Mystery

3. Awakening your powerful and healing VOICE with Devotion

Sign Up Today


A Weekly Drop-in Recovery Group For All Seeking Support with ALL Addictions

  • Love & The Power of WE is the Medicine we Share
  • This is a confidential, safe space for all, we will hold the container with group agreements.
  • Please come however you are, and we ask for a readiness to learn, listen, and LOVE

Sign Up Today

Carolina’s Free Resources

The Graceful Experience 
Dance, Yoga, Meditation, and Song for Liberation.
Wednesday  9am PST
Kirtan for Heart Healing
Thursday 5 PST/8 EST
Are you ready to activate your voice, and live your fullest, most self-expressed life?

“Carolina grace is deeply connected to spirit and to the flow of the universe. She ushers you into a state of hypnotic bliss with her melodic voice. Her energy throughout each posture serves as an invitation to go deeper and explore your inner world.”

“Carolina Grace has the unique ability to bring the whole room, it doesn’t matter if it’s five people or 500, in a deep state of awe with her angelic voice accompanied by the sound of her harmonium. She has offered her heart and her music so generously and impactful with the community here in San Diego. Carolina Grace has been a key to unlocking my voice over the last year through her genuine, loving and professional facilitation of Kirtan and Concerts.”

“Carolina is ever in her authentic direct heartfelt experience and generous about sharing the precious goodness of being human with us.  Presence is the healer…and Carolina is willing and able to be present. This is her super power!”

“Thank you for your loving, generous expression of open hearted love, your voice, your movement, your magical sweet heart makes every circle magic.”

“Carolina- I appreciate this beautiful, sacred, heart opening playful, soul-enriching experience. You bring great wisdom and heart. Thank you!”

“My experience was illuminating, cathartic, inspiring healing and transcendent. It brought together a smattering of souls for a shared journey toward peace and tranquility.”

“Carolina is so honest, so vulnerable, so real, authentic, and creative in expressing her message to the world.”

“A Beautiful Flower of energy. In song and spirit.”

Carolina Grace, MA, LPCC, founder of Embodied Moments of Grace, is a trained somatic therapist, coach, yoga instructor and devotional singer.  Her cutting- edge work integrates science and spirituality through embodied practices of grace and healing.  Her online programs offer “Love in the Time of Corona” featuring free videos and tools for anchoring self-care during challenging times. She has been a featured teacher and performer at Bhakti Fest, Day-Breaker and led yoga in New York City, San Francisco, San Diego, and Boulder.  She facilitates a liberated path of healing through voice, movement, and transformational practices, inspiring the art of joy and wonder contained in the freedom of becoming ourselves – that is everyone’s creative birthright.

Impact and Featured Events

“Carolina is a healer, a radiant person who brings love and light to any situation. Between her music, her singing, her own practice and so much more, time with her is deeply healing and life affirming.”

“Carolina has changed my life for the better. I have been feeling lost in my life multiple times but now I have someone to help me guide me through life. She is such a inspiration to all. I’m blessed to call her my therapist but she’s more than that, she’s my spiritual leader. I’m so incredibly blessed to know her.”

Individual Session

Body based, Unconditionally Loving Therapeutic container with an open invitation to work through what is needed in these times, in your heart, and for the life you were meant to live.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Spiritual Guidance and Healing  Trauma Integration  Coaching  Daily Spiritual Practice  Mindfulness-Based

Eating Issues, Anxiety, Depressions, Life & Business Coaching, Deep Healing, Self Esteem Reboot, sexuality issues, & all things human.

For adults and Teens